Buttermilk is a popular and refreshing drink, especially in the summer months. Ayurveda recommends it as a powerful aid for digestion and a cooling drink that can help balance the body. Buttermilk is packed with nutrients like Vitamin B12, calcium, zinc, riboflavin, and protein. Its regular consumption is known to support strong bones, reduce cholesterol, aid in weight loss, and improve digestive health.

Why Drink Buttermilk?

Buttermilk not only refreshes but also brings several health benefits:

  • Strengthens bones: Rich in calcium, it enhances bone health.
  • Reduces cholesterol: Buttermilk is a heart-friendly drink that helps maintain cholesterol levels.
  • Supports weight loss: A low-calorie beverage, it makes an excellent addition to a weight-loss diet.
  • Boosts digestion: Buttermilk is cooling and is often recommended for soothing digestive issues.

In Ayurveda, buttermilk is considered to have a cooling effect, making it ideal for summer. However, drinking it at the right time is crucial to maximize its health benefits.

The Ideal Time to Drink Buttermilk According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda suggests consuming buttermilk during the day, particularly around noon, as it is cooling and can benefit digestion. It’s recommended to avoid buttermilk in the evening or at night, as it may lead to digestive discomfort. Here’s a breakdown of the best times to drink buttermilk and their specific benefits:

1. Morning on an Empty Stomach

Drinking buttermilk on an empty stomach can be highly beneficial for certain individuals. For those with digestive issues, like bloating, constipation, or gas, starting the day with buttermilk may be soothing. This early intake helps:

  • Aid digestion: Buttermilk contains probiotics that improve gut health.
  • Prevent constipation: Its natural properties help relieve constipation and ease digestion.
  • Reduce gas problems: Buttermilk can be an effective remedy for gas and bloating.

Note: Individuals with specific stomach issues can benefit from drinking buttermilk in the morning, but it’s best to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner.

2. Mid-Morning After Breakfast

If drinking buttermilk first thing in the morning isn’t preferable, mid-morning is another good time. About an hour after breakfast, buttermilk can:

  • Improve digestion: Drinking buttermilk after a meal aids digestion and balances digestive acids.
  • Satiate hunger: Buttermilk can be a filling drink that satisfies mid-morning hunger, preventing unhealthy snacking.
  • Provide energy: The nutrient-rich drink sustains energy through the morning without heavy calorie intake.

3. After Lunch

Ayurveda strongly recommends drinking buttermilk post-lunch as it can greatly benefit digestion. Here are some benefits:

  • Enhances digestion: Buttermilk helps digest food efficiently and supports the absorption of nutrients.
  • Provides lasting satiety: It reduces mid-afternoon hunger and helps control appetite.
  • Promotes metabolism: Buttermilk post-lunch improves metabolic function and can aid in healthy weight management.

Avoid Drinking Buttermilk at Night

According to Ayurveda, drinking buttermilk in the evening or at night should be avoided, as it might lead to an imbalance in digestion. Buttermilk is a cooling drink, which can slow down metabolism during the evening hours, potentially causing bloating or other digestive issues.

How to Drink Buttermilk for Maximum Benefits

If plain buttermilk seems bland, you can enhance it by adding a few additional ingredients:

  • Roasted cumin powder: Improves digestion and adds flavor.
  • Black salt: Enhances taste and provides extra minerals.
  • Celery powder: Gives a boost of flavor while supporting digestion.

Mixing these ingredients with buttermilk not only makes it more palatable but also enriches it with added health benefits.


Adding buttermilk to your summer diet can be incredibly beneficial. Rich in nutrients, buttermilk supports digestion, aids in weight loss, and provides a cooling effect, especially in warmer months. Following Ayurvedic recommendations to drink buttermilk during the day – particularly in the morning or after lunch – can maximize its benefits while avoiding digestive discomfort. Always consult with a healthcare provider if you have any underlying health conditions before making buttermilk a regular part of your diet.

By understanding the best times to consume buttermilk and how to prepare it for maximum health benefits, you can incorporate this refreshing drink into your lifestyle with confidence.